
Blessed are the legend-makers, with their rhyme of things not found within recorded time. from “Mythopoeia” - JRR Tolkien


The Speed Of Science

The “Speed Of Science” looks like the race between Achilles and the tortoise, conceived by Zeno and described in Physics by Aristotle. Achilles impersonates Science, and the tortoise represents either Truth, or the problem at hand. In this renown paradox, Achilles can never reach the tortoise: every time he reaches the place where the tortoise was, the tortoise moved on a bit. The distance reduces at every step, but cannot eventually become zero. Whoever tried to approach reality with scientific methods, knows that for every amount of knowledge discovered, reality proves a little bit more complex than initially hypothesized, and Truth few steps farer.
1 min read
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Course: The Unbiased Bias

All of a sudden it seems like everybody feels very insecure about his own way of thinking and decision-making process. Biases are bad, beliefs are bad, thinking is bad, deciding is bad.
1 min read
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A #deplatformed chat app

The developers of the N-th chat app did the opposite: they built a UI app that looks like a chat, but really reads emails.
4 min read
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NATO to declare war in response to cyber attacks

My fear is that it will be much simpler to the most powerful NATO members to involve the whole alliance in wars based on false facts, fake news and venomous phials of all sorts.
2 min read
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Roadsigns towards a #deplatformed life

The compromises to follow becoming
3 min read